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Ajaxpost Plays 3,000 Subscriber Giveaway!

To celebrate hitting the unbelievable milestone of 3,000 subscribers I have chosen a selection of top games I've picked up over the last couple of years, added in some choice new titles that I've really enjoyed playing on the channel and bundled them all into one big giveaway! I will draw FIVE winning entrants on the competition page and up to FIVE entrants through my YouTube Community competition post up to a maximum of TEN winners in all. Each winning entrant can choose one of at least twenty one great games to take away and keep. NOTE : The same prize list is used for both YouTube and entries but entries made on the YouTube post will have precedence in choosing a game key prize. All the games that aren't picked by the winners in this giveaway will be rolled forward into future giveaways on the channel. So, even if you don't win today, keep an eye on Ajaxpost Plays for further chances to grab an awesome game! See below for the full list of games in...

On This Day: 28th April

It seems I have only been busy once on this day Before The Lockdown ...

in 2017

Now, this is an odd one. The Ustinov Studio in Bath has a reputation for the highest quality theatrical productions. In recent years it has brought internationally acclaimed works to the British stage for the first time and hosted some of the best actors in the world to what you might otherwise think is just a small provincial studio space.
Clearly not every show will be world class, and not every audience member will love every production but the Ustinov's hit rate is among the very best.
On this day in 2017 I saw The Mentor, the first of Daniel Kehlmann's plays to be seen in the UK although he outsells both JK Rowling and Dan Brown in his home country. In the lead role is Oscar winning actor F Murray Abraham, enticed back to a British stage for the first time in ten years.
The setup is ripe for satirical comedy, as a brash new writer spends time, supposedly to hone his craft, at the home of an arrogant older writer who once had a huge bestseller but has been unable to find similar success again. A clash of egos, of attitudes, of style, and pride. Sparky dialogue ripples throughout, between the two protagonists and their long-suffering companions who try to make the mentoring arrangement work.
Despite good performances all round, and the pleasure of seeing a stage veteran of Abraham's stature simmering with disdain for his impertinent young student the work just didn't catch fire for me. The basic premise was too familiar and the characters didn't strike me as having any real depth, not enough to be believable. That said, it was entertaining evening of witty satirical comedy, it just didn't seem to live up to the star billing given to it.


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Ajaxpost Plays 3,000 Subscriber Giveaway!

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